

Day 19: #CheckedOffChallenge

I really liked the listening aspect of the yoga practice today. It think that listening, really listening, to others is something we could all work on. I sometimes find myself simply nodding and agreeing to others while my mind remains focused on work, writing, or something else. I’ve been practicing being a better listener to others.

But I also need to practice listening to myself. When I say that, I mean my body and what it needs. If my legs desperately need a break from sitting and a short walk, I need to listen. If my body needs more water, more time outside, more sleep, I need to listen. My body isn’t asking for these things out of self-indulgence. It NEEDS them to function to the best of its ability.

So from now on, I’m going to listen.


Day 18: #CheckedOffChallenge

Day 18 was extremely challenging for me. It wasn’t the practice itself as simple fatigue. I spent most of the day in the car and at the dentist so I was tired. Because of that, I made the worst choice possible.

I kept putting off my yoga practice!

I did finish it, but I was really tired when I did it. On the bright side, I slept even better!


Day 17: #CheckedOffChallenge

What can I say? It was a typical Monday. However, this Monday, I had a late meeting and a long drive afterwards. Because of that, I wasn’t able to do my yoga until late in the evening after a couple hours in the car.

Saying that, it did make my car ride more enjoyable because:

  • I knew I was still going to be able to accomplish something for my own health that day.
  • My muscles didn’t feel sore or stiff.
  • I had a perfect way to wind down before bed.

I slept like a baby and I woke up the next morning ready to face the day!


Day 16: #CheckedOffChallenge

I LOVED this practice. It was so relaxing after some very challenging practices. This is another reason why I find myself loving the Dedicate series by Yoga with Adriene. The list so far….

  • The practices are generally under a half hour with many near the 20 minute mark.
  • I feel like I am improving with each practice.
  • More challenging practices are mixed in with relaxing and/or meditative practices.
  • It isn’t overly repetitive. Instead, I find each practice differs while still mixing in poses that I can practice consistently.

It was a rainy day and a perfect practice to finish off the weekend.


Day 15: #CheckedOffChallenge

I was lucky to have a more relaxing day on Day 15 of my 30 day challenge. I was able to get a few things marked off my to-do list and then I went to visit a loved one.

We hiked a trail together as storm clouds gathered overhead. It was a short trail, but enjoyable. I felt very lucky to see a deep blue pool of water formed by a spring. It created a small, but quickly flowing, creek that bubbled through the Tennessee woods.

The trail was very up and down. While I did have to stop to catch my breath a couple of times, overall I felt that I had much less breathing difficulty, which I attribute to my yoga practice.

After a long drive home, I got caught in traffic. It was a beautiful night and though and I enjoyed the scenery as I waited for traffic to clear. My practice that night was luckily shorter than most of them since I was tired and I found it challenging, but it was very rewarding and a great way to stretch after my long hike.


Day 14: #CheckedOffChallenge

Friday was a very busy day for me. I had two events and car trouble! I ended up rushing from one event to the next with little time to even catch my breath. I intended to do my yoga practice that evening, but I ended up doing it just before bed.

I was lucky to find that the yoga practice that day was one of the less intense ones (for me!). I found myself centering as I practiced the deep breathing exercises while moving with “grace.” It was a much needed day for yoga!


Day 13: #CheckedOffChallenge

Today was a leg workout! lol But it was great. I held the poses much longer than I thought I could and even challenged myself to do some of the “extra” pose modifications.

What I’ve learned today:

  • I enjoy doing yoga at night when I know I have a full day

Initially, I did my yoga practice first thing in the morning. It was great when I knew that I had a long day of traveling ahead of me.

However, I’ve found that if I know I’ll be sitting much of the day or working in front of my computer, I value doing my yoga practice at night. It’s a great way to relieve stress and rest well.

I can’t wait for tomorrow’s practice!


Day 12: #CheckedOffChallenge

Today I noticed my first major change from yoga. I was surprised to find that my pants felt looser around the waistband. I think all those planks are starting to work!

It’s so exciting to feel like I am getting healthier. Yes, my muscles are sore and a bit tired, but I already feel like I’m building muscle and strengthening my core.

Not only do I feel stronger on the outside, but I feel rejuvenated from within. It feels good to be reclaiming my health. It has definitely been challenging to stick with my #CheckedOffChallenge of 30 days of yoga. At times, it was hard to make myself complete my daily challenge, but it has been worth it. I can’t wait to see how I’ll feel on Day 30!


Day 11: #CheckedOffChallenge

Every day I do my challenge and every day it seems as if the yoga goes faster and faster. I think that’s happening because:

  • I’m getting fitter
  • I enjoy it
  • It’s a short practice
  • Yoga with Adriene is fantastic
  • I’m not being too hard on myself

The last point I made may be the most important for me. Today in particular, I wasn’t able to hold many of the balance poses as long as I was supposed to be able to hold them. But I told myself that it was okay and that I would be able to do that one day.

The practice also included a more advanced pose as an option and I have now made it my personal goal to work towards completing that pose. 🙂 After hours in front of the computer, I’m going to follow up my yoga practice with a walk outside before getting back to work. 🙂 What are some of your goals?


Day 10: #CheckedOffChallenge

I spent a lot of time in front of the computer today so I was all wound up for yoga. Luckily, I was able to get out of the house for a little while this evening, indulge in pizza from my favorite pizza place for supper, and then start my yoga challenge with a fresh perspective.

Besides eating pizza just before yoga (bad idea!), my practice tonight was deeply relaxing. It had some difficult aspects, but it wasn’t impossible.

One of the most challenging moves for me was the lunge. I actually toppled over! It must have been that extra slice of pizza weighing me down. But, I am still feeling great and I feel like I will continue to improve. I LOVED the new stretch at the end and I’m definitely feeling ready for bed and a good book!